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Image by Rémi Walle

About Volunteering

El free and selfless commitment of volunteers in favor of helping bring relief  it is a very important job for our societyara nuestra iglesia, el voluntariado no es solo una forma de hacer, sino de vivir y crecer, de understand life in a different way: as a manifestation of love and mercy of God, which constitutes the deepest motivation for service and dedication to others.


The team of volunteers provides a warm, friendly and comfortable experience for attendees and guests of our Iglesia  during services and special events. They also carry out activities in the community where we implement aid programs. 

How can you help us?

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church depends on the generous and disinterested help of volunteers and entities that, knowing the work we do, offer us their time and contributions that contribute to the development of our mission and the achievement of our objectives.

There are ways to help us such as:

  • You can volunteer and work directly with us focused on the development of our action plan.

  • You can make donations of money, goods and/or services.

  • You can spread the existence of our organization within your circle of friends, family, employment, study center, Churches, etc.

  • You can collaborate with us through contacts with people and/or organizations that can help us in any way mentioned above.
    Join and make a difference!

Sign up as a Volunteer

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